Ethan’s Story

You don’t know how important X-rays are until you need a lot of them.

I was young, healthy and fit. I’m a ski patroller in the winter, and a firefighter with BC Wildfire Service in the summer. And then suddenly I was injured and couldn’t do either.

While skiing on Christmas Day, I broke my leg badly. That meant I had to have surgery to insert a steel rod and pins in my leg and was told recovery would take four to five months.

I really hoped I’d be healthy by May for my fourth forest fire season. I was eager to be part of the specialist rappel program, and I had to be ready for the very physical work this role requires.

I never expected to need monthly X-rays to monitor my recovery. But that’s how my doctor discovered something was very wrong...

The bone wasn’t healing properly, and I needed another surgery.

I was so frustrated. It felt like I was having setback after setback, and I couldn’t do any of the things l love like skiing, running, rock climbing, hiking, and playing sports. Worst of all, as the unprecedented forest fire season progressed, I was unable to be on the front lines with my fellow firefighters, protecting the communities that needed us.

I watched the devastation happening throughout the Okanagan from the sidelines, my body unable to do the meaningful work it had done for the past few years.

These fires are all hands on deck, and having experienced people as part of the crew is how we keep people safe. I could have made a difference. And after nine months, numerous X-rays, and lots and lots of physio, I’m finally back in the field, supporting my community.

Everyone will need an X-ray at some point in their life.

Another machine means more people can be screened for many conditions and illnesses — arthritis, lung infections, hip or knee replacements, and so much more. And for people with complex injuries, like me, these additional X-rays are vital to formulate a treatment plan and monitor recovery.

Together, we can make this a reality

I’m sharing my story with you because I never expected to need monthly X-rays for so long — but it could happen to any one of us. X-rays play a critical role in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, and with your support VJH can do thousands more every year.