Starlight Foundation Donates Admit Kits for Kids at VJH

Big thanks to Starlight Foundation and Toys "R" Us for their dedication to helping sick kids!Through ongoing sponsorship from Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us Canada, Starlight Children's Foundation Canada has provided Admit Kits for sick kids and youth at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.Admit Kits are given to families of children admitted to the hospital through the emergency department.  The kits can be distributed in either the emergency department or when the child arrives on the ward shortly following admittance.  Each kit contains a variety of items to help provide some comfort, laughter and distraction for seriously ill children.The Starlight Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to brightening the lives of seriously ill children by providing a broad array of both in and out-of-hospital programs, designed to enhance a child's ability to cope with the pain, isolation and stress of managing a serious illness.


Japanese Women’s Association Supports Light a Bulb


Light a Bulb Campaign at $175,225